
Even though we didn't

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 ‘Even Though We Didn’t Go Through It’

‘Even Though We Didn't Go Through It’ is an exhibition and a live performance designed by Thourayya Kreidieh and Jeehyeon Rosa Wang, as part of their MFA thesis project at the Interprofessional Studio of the Architectural Association, School of Architecture. The show intervenes on undocumented narratives in the South Korean and Lebanese history created by the fluctuating political conditions. As glorified moments have been captured in official documentation, a lot of other moments were left untraced. Through an immersive interactive experience of ‘Even Though We Didn't Go Through It’, the audience find themselves as witnesses of a collective reconstruction of neglected personal stories. 



Concept and Design:  Thourayya Kreidieh and Jeehyeon Rosa Wang

Choreography: Ania Straczynska
Performers: Elena Kolia Kalliopi, Eva Lin Yingchi, Paula Malgorzata Jankowska, Margret Schuetz
Costume Designer: Qiuyu Yu
Sound Artist: Khodor Ellaik